My name is Jana. I'm a French woman settled in Switzerland.

I love history and science which is why I enjoy studying lots of thesis about ancient civilisations and their magical practices. My main areas of experience are lust magick, general demonology, and necromancy.

My parents weren't comfortable with witchcraft because of their living environment, unlike my grandmothers. There is a line of black magic adepts in my father's family from south Europe and the Maghreb. From my mother's side, they practice divination, mediumship, and clairvoyance from an Eastern European perspective.

I preferred to study the path on my own.

Because I never took what I was told for granted, I experienced almost everything. I studied many different paths and finally, Luciferianism is where I found myself. The principles of justice and balance are dear to me. Once I aligned myself and got initiated, my life changed radically, brutally.

I’m not going to lie and claim everything was simple, as this is not true. It’s wild.

Over time, wisdom develops and we can reflect critically on our constant growth.
As a woman who has found her way, I feel compelled to share what I have learned here.


Since the sandbox age I have been immersed in spirituality. I refined my practice in early adolescence until now. It took me years and years, endless hours of study and practice to get to my current level.

Unfortunately, it’s not enough to light candles in a circle and meditate for ten minutes to perform any ritual. We can find quick rituals these days but trust me, it takes experience to navigate different planes quickly.

I used to give spiritual advice to people until I decided to use my Instagram account wisely, to set up a website and a business. Honestly, I'm a ghetto kid turned pleasure enthusiast. The first thing I achieved was healing, then changing my world in the right way, and live deliciously.

Concerning my practices, I get my main sources from university thesis which are more relevant than what we find on the internet (a contradiction mess) . Private grimoires are my second source of information and experience is the third. History being one of my passions, I never neglect it or science in general.

It’s essential to constantly question yourself. I have never swallowed anyone's words. You shouldn't either.

Finally, I do not feel related to anyone else. If I worked with someone, it would be only because I really knew them in private. I don't care about how others work or what they propose, at what price.

You can follow me on IG where I enjoy posting random things and share incredible people’s posts.

Experience teaches us that not everything incredible is false.
— Cardinal de Retz